Touchpoint Blog

Touchless Technology in a Contactless World

Touchless Technology in a Contactless World

As COVID-19 remains at the forefront of everyone’s mind, all signs point to K12 schools opening in the coming months. With the majority of schools in the United States currently practicing in-person learning or preparing for this reality next fall, schools must now set their sights on creating the safest possible environment for their staff, teachers, and students. By adjusting to the new safety standards, schools have adapted with masks, distancing measures, and touchless technology.

How to Build the Strongest Foundation for Time Collection

How to Build the Strongest Foundation for Time Collection

Allow me to share a story from one of our favorite school districts in Pennsylvania who was on the cusp of handling time collection all by themselves…

“We considered using old computers to make our own kiosks, but they would have cost man-hours to create, and we would have not been able to put them where they needed to be. We also didn’t want the hassle of purchasing all the various components to make a secure kiosk. We ended up looking for a turn-key solution in Touchpoint because we wanted to make sure we got something that lasted a long time. The software does work great and the kiosks do what we need them to do.”

- IT Department in Pennsylvania

We looove problem solving - it’s at the heart of what we do. This example is just one of many where our Three Pillars have helped a district get rid of their time collection woes.

3 Awesome Ways Touchpoint Simplifies Implementation

3 Awesome Ways Touchpoint Simplifies Implementation

Let’s be honest - we’ve all tried putting things together without reading the instructions before.



And if there’s anything we’ve learned from doing so, it’s that there is a fairly low success rate (and our furniture is always lopsided for some reason). 

How Touchpoint Makes Life Easy for IT Departments

How Touchpoint Makes Life Easy for IT Departments

Ahh, the IT department - a team crucial to any modern establishment, and schools are no exception. They are constantly putting out fires behind the scenes and have an ever-increasing workload. For some schools, it’s just one poor soul responsible for it all...

What Is Buddy Punching? and How to Avoid It

What Is Buddy Punching? and How to Avoid It

We’ve all been late for work once or twice. However, sometimes people try to cheat the system.

“Hey, Mark. Running a few behind. Mind punching in my numbers for me?”


Or even…


“I’m gonna be out sick today, but I can’t miss a day of pay. Can you please clock in for me?”


This is a situation we’ve heard about thousands of times from districts of all sizes - and while this may seem innocent at first, it’s an absolute nightmare for HR and payroll to deal with.