We get it: the “Time & Attendance DIY kiosk route” seems like a great idea for districts...until it becomes a guess-and-test nightmare.
It isn’t every day that we get to come to the rescue for a district, but when it happens, we’re ready to spring into action!
The year: 2019. Muscatine CSD is living their best life. Everything is hunky dory - all except for tracking time.
Muscatine’s payroll department was stuck in the dark ages of time collection.
Fed up with collecting inaccurate paper timesheets, they made the smart decision to adopt Frontline Time and Attendance.
But alas, adopting Time and Attendance introduced a new world of pain for the district. Muscatine now had to struggle with the challenges of implementing time collection hardware on their own.
They tried repurposing computers by outfitting them with USB Scanners, but to no avail.
More often than not there were issues with the internet, the scanners, power loss, and every user error problem that you can possibly imagine.
It was nightmarish - especially for the Payroll accountant.
Employees wouldn’t even attempt to troubleshoot, either. They would walk away and call IT every time. Creating more headaches. More work. AND - time is STILL inaccurate.
Muscatine had enough (and rightfully so!) By the good graces of the Touchpoint marketing department, their Technology Director received an email mentioning how these exact problems could be solved by implementing devices that captured time effortlessly - for all involved.
That email was forwarded to Muscatine’s HR department, a call was scheduled with our lovely Tim, and the rest is history.
So, what did we learn here?
We learned that sometimes, you can’t do it on your own. But, that you can do it with Touchpoint.
Our devices made time collection an afterthought for Muscatine CSD - eliminating the chance for human error, adhering to ACA and benefits laws, and allowing time to be accurately reported at all times.
Curious to know how we can put you in control of your time?
We get it: the “Time & Attendance DIY kiosk route” seems like a great idea for districts...until it becomes a guess-and-test nightmare.
Did you know that laptop batteries generally have only 500-550 cycles (one full charge) until they run out? And Chromebooks even less at about 300-500 cycles?